A Woman Brings Miniature Horse on Plane as Her Service Animal | Kayla | Star 102.1

A Woman Brings Miniature Horse on Plane as Her Service Animal | Kayla | Star 102.1

A Woman Brings Miniature Horse on Plane as Her Service Animal | Kayla | Star 102.1

A miniature horse named Freckle Butt Fred, reported by People, flew first class for the first time thanks to his human Ronica Froese of Michigan.

Together the mini horse and human duo flew from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Ontario, California with a layover in Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport.

FB Fred is a specially trained service animal, so he’s technically allowed to accompany Froese. Fred’s companion Froese owns Little Horses Big Smiles, a com

pany that specializes in assisted therapy [on commercial flights].

And no worries about bathroom breaks for Fred, according to Froese, Fred knows how to potty on command. She even told People, that

“Fred was the definition of a perfect service animal in flight,” and “He is so bonded with me, he is willing to do anything I ask of him.”

Read more on how it went HERE.

Photo | iStock

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